UP boxcar UPP 9336 damaged

As you might have heard already UP 844 developed flat spots on her drivers this week while traveling through Texas.  The big engine was taken to the Georgetown RR shop in Georgetown, TX, for repairs.  While at the shop facility, UP boxcar UPP 9336 (which carries the stairs so people can look in the cab, plus other support equipment) somehow collided with a gondola, causing extensive damage to 9336.  The incident occurred Friday.  A photo of the damaged car is below.  Details of the incident are sketchy but apparently 844 was NOT involved in this incident, just the support car.  Makes you wonder what impact this might have on UP’s steam program.  Back in the summer of 1994 the passenger cars for NS’s excursion consist were in a low speed collision in a freight yard, and a few months later the program was cancelled. – Photo by Cliff Downey


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