Ricky’s Replies for October 2012

by Ricky Bivins, Chapter President

Fall is in the air…the trees are displaying their colors and trains are in the news, our news anyway. Since we last met in September, our Chapter has gathered at Crofton KY, for the annual Picnic. The event was first called off due to threatening weather but the morning of October 6th dawned clear, cool and windy. Several members phoned and emailed me about going. I had already decided to go anyway just in case someone did not get the news. After getting a few calls I decided to reinstate the event and made calls, sent emails and hoped for the best. In so doing several members turned out and a great time was had. No less than  12 trains were viewed. (Depending on when one arrived). As a hind sight, one member did not attend simply because he did not have contact info for the membership. As a result I ask Tom Johnson to get in touch with Wally Watts and advance our membership roster effort. This may very well be completed by meeting night, Monday October 22th.

As a side note, of the trains we saw from our viewing stand in Crofton, not a single example of foreign motive power was seen. All CSX…which is odd. One usually sees a few locomotives from other railroads. Another note, the other “part” of the day in Crofton involved food. Surprised? Some members brought their lunch while others partook of the local eating options. A case in point. Most deli style sandwiches are $2.00 or more. Sometimes though I just do not want much to eat and the “picnic” at Crofton was one of those days. So….I asked the deli at Huck’s Store how much a pepper cheese sammich would cost. They had no idea…..never heard of such a thing etc. Birk Fisher offered to pay for my “meal”; he ended up paying a whole dollar for my lunch! We had a great time even though I am sure more members would have been there had the weather not been incorrectly predicted.

The trip to Paducah and Mayfield is still on hold. We should have an update Monday. We need input from the membership as to changing our meeting time. We currently meet at 7:00 PM, it was discussed changing the meeting time to 6:00 PM to accommodate members whom drive some distance to attend. Of the members present at the September meeting, a full two-thirds were from out of town! This topic will be discussed Monday.

October brings us up to election time. November will be election night; October will see nominations for officers. I will address each office and call for nominations three times in October and the same in November.  Every member is eligible for office. AND…I want this known….A Member can nominate one’s self!!! If you want to be an officer…SPEAK UP.

With that said….the Chapter may need to nominate a candidate for the office of President!

I hope to see you Monday Night, October 22nd, 7:00 PM, down at the station in Madisonville KY.


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