March 2013 Ricky’s Replies

Spring is in the air, (rain), flowers are blossoming (pollen), March Madness (round ball) and rail excitement abounds…..WHAT? Well three out of four isn’t bad! Welcome to the March edition of our news-letter. Hopefully the time change didn’t cause issues for our members. I like the time change myself; it gives me time to accomplish something in the evenings! As for Chapter functions, it is time to get excited, Matt has sent a “re-do” of our calling card project based on member input from the February meeting. The digital scan looks really good. Hats off to Matt Gentry for his work and time spent on this project.

After prodding the members to send in their dues and waiting as long as possible, Wally Watts Jr. and Bill Thomas have completed and sent the membership spread sheet to Fernley & Fernley. Fernley & Fernley being the agency NRHS National uses to handle membership tasks. Wally will have a full report this month as to membership numbers etc. If you have not renewed and plan to do so, send it in by meeting night. Bill and Wally will have to put forth additional efforts to keep late members on the roster but it can be done. However, March 31st is the deadline. Meaning, any dues received by National after March 31st will be considered a NEW MEMBER. If someone waits too lone they will lose their seniority! Thanks Again to Wally and Bill, the hard work is much appreciated.

The membership needs to focus on the upcoming events involving our Chapter. Friday Night Live, downtown Madisonville KY. will be held the months of June, July and August. It would be nice to have even more involvement from the membership this year than was had last year. I hope Wally will have his steam engines again, Bill will hopefully have his Mobil Garden Railroad available, perhaps a video “viewing booth” could be made available….and any other idea’s the membership has are welcome. This is a great opportunity to share our enjoyment with others, spread the word of our Chapter and just have a good time seeing reactions of the kids, young and old as the stroll past our booth. So get to thinking members, what can we add this year? What can YOU add this year?

The booth in Parkway Plaza Mall is still available; it is free and would be a semi-permanent way to make our efforts known. As I said last month, I could fill it up but I would like for other members to participate as well. I would like to set this meeting as a deadline to decide what and who will assist in this project. Again, start thinking about what can be added to this project. If you have something to add, bring it to the meeting Monday March 18th. We will move forward from there.

OK Members the meeting will be held Monday March 18th at 7:00PM at the former Louisville & Nashville Railroad Passenger Station, 38 West Arch Street, Madisonville KY. Bring a show-n-tell and a friend.


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