April 2013 Ricky’s Replies

And here’s to a happy April dear NRHS members. Cool weather has been stubborn to give in to spring this year. Not that I mind so much, I do not look forward to the stifling heat, humidity, sunburn and bugs. Those four things aside, summer would be OK! But as discussed in previous meeting, summer brings people out and events to attend.

Matt presented the latest “calling card design” which was approved. Matt may have cards available this meeting if not, soon. When received, the members need to hand them out to potential members, persons that seem to have an interest in trains in general and rail history specifically. These cards will hopefully generate a few members per year and help our Chapter grow.

Keith may have a report from Progress Rail as may Rich. This will be a delightful event when it does come about. Steve will have a report on the slide transfer equipment cost as was discussed at the March meeting and I will have a report on the video equipment that is in use at the Depot.

Steve will update us on the planned Tennessee Central excursion trip to take place this fall from Nashville TN. to Cookeville TN. Knowing full well not everyone can go, but Steve needs a confirmed list of members in order to purchase tickets at a discount which will assure seating of members in one area.

Madisonville KY. Friday Night Live is coming up quickly Members. The Chapter has consented to have a display again this year. It would be nice if more members get involved in these events. Our displays are enjoyed by event goers and the members present always have a good time.

We need to close out the “cabinet at the Mall” idea this month. If you have a railroad related item to display please bring it this month…said item can double as a “Show-N-Tell” item.

Looking ahead, May will see us in Hopkinsville as guests of our Members there so plan ahead.

OK Members, the meeting is “just around the corner” so plan ahead to Monday, April 15, 2013 at 7:00PM.


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