March 2012 Ricky’s Replies

by Ricky Bivins, President

OK NRHS Members, where does the time go? There is an old saying that goes: “Time is fun when you are having flies”. Wait, Kermit the Frog said that! “Time flies when you are having fun”. That’s it! Well, I have been having fun with my model train layout. The recent warm weather has sent me outside as I am sure many others have done. CSX keeps my neck in shape with all the trains running past the house, and of course March Madness ya’know. Anyhow, here we are coming up on the March Chapter meeting yet it seems like only a few days ago we were at the Depot for the February meeting. My oh my time does fly indeed. (Can an airport manager get away with saying that?)

As for the February meeting, I for one think we had a good turnout, a productive evening and an excellent program. Keith’s munchies were spot on and the video “Chicago Odyssey” from our late friend Dennis Carnal’s estate was very good. In fact, I have only seen the video briefly since the meeting night as members have been passing it around for another look. Dennis would be proud to know we are taking advantage of him! R.I.P. Dennis.

At one point during the past two meetings I expressed a need for a Program Director. Our Rail Camper Thomas Bryan has decided to take on that challenge. I “versed” Thomas to talk to the members, find out what the Chapter would like to do, where we would like to go etc. Thomas has some ideas on his plate already and I encouraged him to move forward and “to make plans”. He will be in touch with Chuck and Rich about the previously discussed trip to Paducah KY and Mayfield KY for a day of rail fanning. Of course we have the three Friday Night Live events coming up and the annual Pick Nick at the Crofton KY Veterans Memorial. Not to mention the C&W Railroad open house and a revised Christmas event. Thomas has a plate full indeed. Give him your support and encouragement Members; he has taken on a big job for the Chapter.

As viewed by the Members at the February meeting, Steve Miller has been working on the photo archive in full force. Great job Steve, keep up the good work. This is no easy task even for a computer whiz such as Steve. Kudos again Steve.

As I am sure everyone can see, we have a full year ahead of us. The only point to make now is Member Participation. Our overall Member involvement is good if one looks at the number of Members we have and the number of members present at our events. But that is a ratio of numbers. I want those not in attendance to feel as though they have missed something. That is to say, when one finds out what is going on, they resolve to “join in” the festivities. That will grow our Chapter and improve our overall effectiveness to preserve our local rail history. That is after all what we as Members resolve to do, preserve our Rail History.

We will have a guest program this month. Gary Ostland from Murray KY will present a program of slides. Gary or “GOO” as he signs his email, is very much in the know of all things Milwaukee Road. I am sure we will see much of the railroad and its territory. I met GOO last fall at Gorham IL while rail fanning the old MoPac line while in the company of Wally, Thomas and Phil Randall. Gary travels a lot in his motor home and bright red VW. The good life I would dare say. And he is willing to share with us his experiences!

I will see you “NRHS Member” on March 26, 2012.


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