January 2014 Ricky’s Final Replies …as president

by Rick Bivins, Outgoing Chapter President

Out with the Old and in with the New. Happy New Year everyone, may 2014 be a blessed year each and every one of us. Having decided to not seek re-election as President for the 2014 year brings about change, which will be a good thing. I have no doubt as to Tom being a productive and fun President. Change has come about for me as well; my Mother’s passing in October of last year creates both a void and a need. I have always been close to my parents and now I will be keeping a closer eye on my Dad. My plans now are to take advantage of my work shop/train building that is coming along nicely. I will be having “The Guys” over a few times a month to enjoy model trains, real trains and train talk. I hope to create a pleasant environment for anyone wanting to join in. At this point I am finishing up the building and I already have some bench work in place (for the three rail trains). The grand-daughters enjoy riding their cars on the concrete floor so who knows what adventures one may seek there in!

As for Chapter activities, I plan to approach the Chapter with a few ideas and perhaps spearhead them as well. As President I felt the need to put wheels into motion to make things happen which was not always the case. As President I did not feel it was my duty to “do them”. I will take a more active role in getting things done on the Chapters behalf.

I recovered my artifacts from the Nortonville Museum. I had heard “through the proverbial grapevine” the new Mayor of Nortonville wants to do away with the museum, library and even the building which is the old grade school. I was afraid for my “stuff” being caught up in what “could” come about. I did however leave the a few things such as duplicate paper items and the old heavy glass and wood cabinet that I restored and donated years ago. While talking with “Miss Martha”, which is always a hoot, she asked about Dennis! She was saddened and shocked to hear of his passing. Hopefully the Nortonville Museum has a long term future.

As we make our way through 2014 I will present my “ideas” for the Chapters consideration. I think some are good and some are better! It will be up to the Members to decide whether or not to adopt them. Meanwhile I hope everyone joins me in welcoming one of our newest members and this year’s President, Tom (Da Man) Johnson.

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