From the editor… Matt Gentry

The next month, I found myself in a similar situation, sitting at my desk working on another school project and *ding*, there it was again. This time as I was looking through, I asked myself “Why don’t I ask about being the editor of The Pennyrail?” Then I let reality grab hold; I was going to school full time, when I wasn’t at school, I was working as a Graphic Designer at a local sign and banner shop, I wasn’t allowed any time to attend the chapter meetings due to work, school and other life activities. I just didn’t feel it was a viable option to take on responsibility of something that I felt needed more time that I wasn’t anywhere near capable of dedicating to the publication!

I graduated college in May of 2010 (boy, I’m glad I have completed that!), and fast forward to the fall of 2012.  I was not working in design, let alone at the sign and banner shop, but I had a job that allowed me to attend the chapter meetings. After being able to attend a few meetings at the end of 2012, I made it my goal to attend all meetings during 2013. And yes, I made it Birk Fischer’s goal as well, whether he knew it or not (haha!).

On to May of 2013; unfortunately my job was not as stable as I had thought it to be and I ended up leaving it before it got way out of hand (you know, don’t burn any bridges). So I found myself trying to expand my mowing business by finding more repeat customers and I started offering landscaping services. This ended up working well, in my eyes. I could get started working when I wanted and I could make my own schedule. But most of all, I could do more of what I really enjoy doing and that was spend more time with chapter members and chasing trains!

Now we find ourselves with 2013 winding down. Unfortunately, Bill Thomas’ job situation would not allow him the time for being editor of The Pennyrail, and Ricky Bivins was going to make an attempt at it. It wasn’t too long after that Ricky and I were conversing through text message that he asked what my thoughts of becoming the editor were. I shared with him that I had thought about it in years past and just did not have the time. But now I didn’t have anything really stopping me. So, it was at the November meeting that I accepted the position of the new editor of The Pennyrail.

Hopefully, I can continue to do the publication justice as my predecessors have done. I look forward to being able to share your submissions with the rest of the chapter. Remember, this is your newsletter. Without your submitted content, I don’t have much more to share. So go through those old photos! If you have hard copies with coinciding information, I can scan the photos (no slides yet) for publication and return them to you.

Happy New Year West Kentucky NRHS!

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