February 2011, Ricky’s Replies

Hello Everyone.

I hope those in attendance of the January meeting found it to be enjoyable and informative. I apologize for my divided attention. Having an inexperienced man tending to the airport was playing heavily on my mind at the time. As it were, he handled the situation well and all was taken care of.

As a result of my inattentiveness, I allowed a motion to pass with out a vote. That being the dollar figure placed before the Chapter in regards to sending “our” rail camper to Scranton PA. I will bring this up as old business in February.

Two members have come to me, each with an idea, that I think will bring substance and growth to our Chapter. My response too both was to bring it up before the members and if need be, entertain a motion.  Keep in mind; many ideas do not need a vote. For example, our Hopkinsville members host our meeting every year in May. This is almost taken for granted as we always “ask” them to confirm same. The same goes for the fall picnic in Crofton.  If you have an idea for a function or event that does not require Chapter funds then take up the idea and sponsor same. If the Chapter chooses to embrace the idea, then we may need to vote on the level of participation as a Chapter.

Two things I plan to bring before the Chapter in February are: The Chapter Archives and Chapter participation in The City of Madisonville’s Friday Night Live events.  These two items I feel are important to the Chapter as a whole. The archive needs our attention right away. The Friday Night Live events would be a way to get our name out there with out cost to the Chapter. It will however require participation from the membership. We will discuss both the Archive and Friday Night Live during the business meeting February 28th.

Wally will have the program and refreshment sign up sheet at the February meeting. If you are not on the list, please give thought to signing up for one or the other if not both. I can think of several regular members whom have not given a program in recent years. We need diversity and involvement from the membership. Please, step up and give support to our/YOUR Chapter.

So everyone try to make the meeting, join in the fun, bring a friend and we will promote our love of trains and everything railroading.

Rick Bivins


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