Electronic Billing Update

Last year the NRHS adopted an electronic billing and renewal procedure. Needless to say, anytime you upset the apple cart, you get some bruised fruit. Our chapter asked me to serve as the “Electronic Contact” person and I gladly accepted. After getting some of the bugs worked out of the system, things seem to be going smoothly. I just wanted to make you aware of how it works.

I receive, via email, Microsoft Excel spread sheets monthly from NRHS which include separate sheets for renewals, new members, member status, and chapter officers. There are particular dates through the month on which I am to send the sheets back after I have updated them. Therefore, if you renewed late, you may have a temporary laps in mailings. For instance, those renewing in early March will not be updated until early April as I have to wait for the April spread sheets, which should be in around March 30.

The March spreadsheets were updated and emailed to NRHS on the 9th. Let me know of any issues with NRHS billing you may have. Wally and I work together to make sure records are as accurate as possible. Thanks! Bill Thomas

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